Prolotherapy, Prolozone for treating Myofascial Trigger Points, Tendon Attachment Pain and TMJoints

I have successfully utilized Prolotherapy and trigger point injections for many years using lidocaine and dextrose. I had both of my torn rotator culls treated with Prolo with great results. More recently I had Ozone and lidocaine in both knees giving long term...
Chicago Head and Neck Pain.

Chicago Head and Neck Pain.

Chronic Head and Neck Pain is difficult and frequently disabling but sometimes the answers are easy with the right combination of treatment. To understand what goes wrong with treatment you need to understand the basic principles that determine success. There are over...

Headaches at back of head feel like blood vessels are swelling up.

This is a patient who contacted Dr Shapira from the I Hate website.   Lisa:  Tell us about your headaches…:    So I had an mri done & found out that my jaw was partially dislocated. I have braced to correct it. My headaches start in the...

Cost of TMJ Treatment;

The costs of treating a TMJ disorder can vary widely. Some patients need minimal treatment or a night-guard only and costs are nominal.  The biggest cost can be non-treatment.  Shimshak et al showed in his landmark papers that patients with TMJ diagnosis have a 300%...
Chicago: Orofacial Pain, TMD, TMJ, Headaches, Migraines and More

Chicago: Orofacial Pain, TMD, TMJ, Headaches, Migraines and More

Orofacial Pain Referral: View patient video testimonials: What is Orofacial Pain and how does it relate to TMJ Disorders and Headaches. Please visit this entire...