Dr Shapira has been utilizing Neuromuscular Orthotics for 45 years to treat chronic headaches, migraines and TMJ Disorders. He is the leading proponent of Teaching patients to Self Administer Sphenopalatine Ganglion Blocks for almost instant relief.
“Pain is soul destroying. No patient should have to endure intense pain” “My practice is dedicated to restoring the soul by relief of chronic pain,” Dr. Ira L. Shapira.

Dr Shapira – Expert in treatment of TMJ Disorder and Sleep Disorder in the Chicago Area
Dr Ira L Shapira is stepping down as Editor in Chief of CRANIO Journal the pre-eminent journal on TMJD practice to focus on helping more patients who have Sleep Disorders including snoring, Sleep Apnea, UARS, and TMJ Disorders/ Myofascial Pain and Dysfunction.
Dr Shapira is also reducing his time in the Gurnee office (Delany Dental Care) that he founded in 1984. He wants to dedicate to help more patients suffering from severe pain related to jaw function and the Trigeminal Nervous System.
His Highland Park office is the premiere office for treatment of TMJ Disorders and treatment of Headaches and Migraines related to Trigeminal Nervous function.
Dr Shapira is the leading practitioner promoting the use of SASPGB or Self-Administered Sphenopalatine Ganglion Blocks (SPG) for the treatment of pain, anxiety, and disorders relating to imbalance in the Autonomic Nervous System. He taught course in Moscow in 2019 and in India in 2023. He taught and administered over 100 SPG Blocks in India to doctors who wanted to learn his technique for SASPGB. (Google SASPGB to learn more).
Dr Shapira has over 250 amazing patient testimonials on his youtube channel. https://www.youtube.com/@thinkbetterlife-orofacialp9625/videos
Dr Shapira is currently the President Elect of the American Section of ICCMO, The International College of CranioMandibular Orthopedics.
Dr Shapira has lectured and taught courses on Dental Treatment of Sleep Disorders since 1982. He was a pioneer in the field of Sleep Apnea treatment in adults and prevention by improved growth patterns in Children.
He was one of 20 dentists who founded the Sleep Disorder Dental Society which later evolved into the American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine.
He was the first dentist to have a chapter in a Medical Textbook on Anti-Aging Medicine / Dentistry in 1998 which was first presented as a lecture to 2000 Physicians at an A4M meeting.
Dr. Shapira has a practice dedicated to the treatment of Chronic Pain and Sleep Disorders including headaches, migraines and Sleep Apnea in Highland Park, IL. www.ThinkBetterLife.com
Dr Shapira ran a General Dentistry practice in Gurnee, IL which provides both family dental care, Implants, reconstruction and cosmetic dentistry. He was considered a top cosmetic dentist utilizing anti-aging dentistry techniques and neuromuscular dentistry to create exquisite smiles. He is currently cutting back on his time in that practice to focus on his Highland Park office. WWW.ThinkBetterLife.com
Dr Shapira founded www.IHATECPAP.com to help patients find Alternative to CPAP for treatment Sleep Apnea.
Dr Shapira founded www.IHateHeadaches.org to help patients find solutions for Headaches and Migraines not responding to standard medical treatments.
He is a former Assistant Professor at Rush Medical School (1985-1991 and 1998-2001) and worked at the Sleep Disorder Center with Dr. Rosalind Cartwright. Dr Shapira was the first Dentist to be a professor in a medical school sleep program in the world. He has utilized Oral Appliances and Dental Sleep Medicine for close to 45 years to treat sleep apnea and snoring with oral appliances for patient’s who don’t want or cannot tolerate CPAP.
Dr. Shapira is the Editor in Chief of CRANIO Journal: The Journal of CranioMandibular and Sleep Practice. He was the previous Editor of Craniofacial Pain section of the CRANIO Journal and has been a review for many years.
He was a founding member of the Sleep Disorder Dental Society which became the American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine (AADSM). He is a Diplomate of the AADSM, A Diplomate of ASBA, American Sleep and Breathing Association, A Founding Member of DOSA, The Dental Organization for Sleep Apnea, A Diplomate of the American Academy of Integrative Pain Management and a Fellow and Master of ICCMO.
#TMJ, #TMD, #Migraine Releif, #Daily Headache