Low Brain pH may lead to Panic Attacks, Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disease

SPG Blocks are often extremely successful for treating Panic Attacks as well as Headaches, Orofacial Pain,Trigeminal Neuralgia and Migraines. Neuromuscular Dentistry has been shown to increase blood flow to the brain. Can Brain pH be addressed with Hyperbaric Oxygen...
Chicago Head and Neck Pain.

Chicago Head and Neck Pain.

Chronic Head and Neck Pain is difficult and frequently disabling but sometimes the answers are easy with the right combination of treatment. To understand what goes wrong with treatment you need to understand the basic principles that determine success. There are over...

Precision Personalized Medical Treatment for TMJ, TMD, MPD, Headaches and Migraines

Precision Personalized Medical Treatment for Headaches and Migraines Physiologic Medicine Pinnacle of Personalized Medicine. Measurement is essential for precision treatment! “If it is measured it is a fact otherwise it is an opinion” Barney Jankelson...

Sphenopalatine Ganglion Block Specialist

How do you find a specialist who does Sphenopalatine Ganglion Blocks? The Sphenopalatine Ganglion Block  (SPG Block) has been known for over 100 years but less than 1% of doctors are familiar with its use currently.  How does a patient find a specialist or general...

Fibromyalgia Relief: Almost Instant Relief with SPG Block

Sphenopalatine Ganglion Blocks can give incredible relief to patients suffering from Fibromyalgia. This patient describes how 9 years of continuous pain was resolved almost immediately after nasal application of lidocaine to the sphenopalatine ganglion via nasal...

Headaches at back of head feel like blood vessels are swelling up.

This is a patient who contacted Dr Shapira from the I Hate Headaches.org website.   Lisa:  Tell us about your headaches…:    So I had an mri done & found out that my jaw was partially dislocated. I have braced to correct it. My headaches start in the...