Jaw Joint and Muscle Sprain/Strain: JAMSS

A new article in Inside Dentistry (reference below) reveals research that 50% of patients with TMJ disorders (TMDs) the initial onset was a result of Dental Care. These problems may occur due to direct trauma to the jaw muscles or joints, sustained contractions of jaw...
Chicago: Orofacial Pain, TMD, TMJ, Headaches, Migraines and More

Chicago: Orofacial Pain, TMD, TMJ, Headaches, Migraines and More

Orofacial Pain Referral:   https://thinkbetterlife.com/referrals/ View patient video testimonials: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCk9Bfz6pklC7_UluWFHzLrg/videos What is Orofacial Pain and how does it relate to TMJ Disorders and Headaches. Please visit this entire...
Dentist Chicago | TMJ Chicago

Dentist Chicago | TMJ Chicago

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Chicago alternative headache treatments

Chicago alternative headache treatments

3 alternative headache treatments you may not have heard of , Chicago For centuries people have tried to rid themselves of headache pain with medications that cannot cure, and often only partially relieve the pain. If you suffer from frequent headaches or migraines...