by Dr. Shapira | Feb 29, 2016 | antidepressants sleep apnea, Anxiety, autonomic cephalgias, BARRINGTONOROFACIAL PAIN KENOSHA OROFACIAL PAIN, Blog, Breathing Sleeping Problems, Causes of TMJ, Chicago, Chronic Daily Headache, Cluster Headache, Crowns & Bridges, Depression and Chronic Pain, Depression and Sleep Disorder, Diagnosis of TMJ, Jaw Pain, Jaw Problems, Medication for TMJ, orofacial pain, SPG Block Anxiety, SPG Block Cluster Headache, SPG Block Migraine, SPG blocks, Sphenopalatine Ganglion Blocks, tension Headache, Throat & Swallowing TMJ, TMJ, TMJ - General, TMJ and sleep disorders, TMJ Chicago, TMJ is a painful condition, TMJ Specialist, TMJ SUBLUXATION, Trigeminal Autonomic Cephalgias, Trigeminal Cervico-Complex, Trigeminal Nerve, Trigeminal Nervous System, Trigeminal Vascular System, Trouble breathing while asleep
Orofacial Pain Referral: View patient video testimonials: What is Orofacial Pain and how does it relate to TMJ Disorders and Headaches. Please visit this entire...
by Dr. Shapira | Aug 12, 2015 | Chicago, Crowns & Bridges, Deerfield, Dental Veneers, Epigenetic orthodontics, Evanston, Highland Park, Jaw Pain Clicking & Popping, Jaw Problems, Mettawa, Northbrook, TMJ Chicago
Can dentistry provide a virtual fountain of youth? Beautiful smiles are about far more than white teeth. Beautiful Smiles ideally have healthy anatomical and physiological basis. Face lift Dentistry, Virtual facelifts, Denture Facelift are actually possible by...
by Dr. Shapira | Apr 11, 2014 | Crowns & Bridges
Dental Crowns & Bridges Strengthen your bite with dental crowns and bridges That tooth that you lost or broke back in high school can cause you a multitude of problems later. TMJ is often caused by trauma to the teeth or jaw. Jaw trauma can be classified as:...