Migraines, Headaches or TMJ problems After Corneal Injury

The cornea is innervated by the trigeminal nerve. I just saw a patient whose headaches, and tinnitus started after a cornea burn. TMJ symptoms also were exacerbated. I looked for previous cases but did not come across any. Pubmed had an abstract that showed that...
Chicago: Orofacial Pain, TMD, TMJ, Headaches, Migraines and More

Chicago: Orofacial Pain, TMD, TMJ, Headaches, Migraines and More

Orofacial Pain Referral:   https://thinkbetterlife.com/referrals/ View patient video testimonials: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCk9Bfz6pklC7_UluWFHzLrg/videos What is Orofacial Pain and how does it relate to TMJ Disorders and Headaches. Please visit this entire...

What All Headaches Have In Common: Migraines, Cluster Headaches, Chronic Daily Headaches, New Persistent Headaches Cluster Headaches

QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS ABOUT HEADACHES: Question from Kasey in Pennsylvania: I always seem to have a headache that never 100% goes away, and it usually varies day to day. It can get worse by mid to the end of the day. I don’t have bad jaw pain but could that be a...