Fibromyalgia Relief: Almost Instant Relief with SPG Block

Sphenopalatine Ganglion Blocks can give incredible relief to patients suffering from Fibromyalgia. This patient describes how 9 years of continuous pain was resolved almost immediately after nasal application of lidocaine to the sphenopalatine ganglion via nasal...

Headaches at back of head feel like blood vessels are swelling up.

This is a patient who contacted Dr Shapira from the I Hate website.   Lisa:  Tell us about your headaches…:    So I had an mri done & found out that my jaw was partially dislocated. I have braced to correct it. My headaches start in the...

Chicago Dentist : Sleep Apnea Treatment Testimonials

CPAP Alternative! The Best Sleep Apnea Treatments in Chicago Watch and listen to these Sleep Apnea Patients Testimonils Chicago Treatment of Sleep Apnea with Oral Appliance: Oral Appliance Therapy is the new (Dr Shapira has over 30 years experience with oral...

Chronic Headache Relief: Healthy Approaches to Relief

Chronic Headache Relief: Key to Relief is Controlling Noxious Input into the Trigeminal Nervous System All headaches are controlled primarily or completely by the Trigeminal Nervous System. Noxious input to the trigeminal Nerve travels thru the Trigeminovascular...

TMJ and Lyme Disease: Many Symptoms Overlap

There are many signs and symptoms that are similar in Lyme disease to patients with TMJ and Sleep disorders.  Frequently both of these conditions are overlaid.  Treatment of musculoskeletal issues will not correct or cure Lyme disease but will improve the quality of...

What All Headaches Have In Common: Migraines, Cluster Headaches, Chronic Daily Headaches, New Persistent Headaches Cluster Headaches

QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS ABOUT HEADACHES: Question from Kasey in Pennsylvania: I always seem to have a headache that never 100% goes away, and it usually varies day to day. It can get worse by mid to the end of the day. I don’t have bad jaw pain but could that be a...