ThinkBetterlife Blog
Effective TMJ and Sleep Disorder SolutionsTMJ, Physiologic Dentistry, A/O Chiro, NUCCA, SOT, Cranio, Chirodontics and Craniosacral Therapy
Treatment of TMJ disorders and MPD with Physiologic Dentistry, Trigger Point Injections, SPG Blocks and Prolotherapy give amazing life changing results to many patients. So where do all of these other therapies fit into the treatment plan. TMJ disorders can be divided...
Fibromyalgia Relief and Sphenopalatine Ganglion Blocks
I posted this question on Reddit. I had some replys but very few. I find it amazing the SPG Blocks are not routinely tried on patients prior to poften dangerous medications , some with severe side effects. The side effects of Sphenopalatine Ganglion blocks are...
Sphenopalatine Ganglion Block Specialist
How do you find a specialist who does Sphenopalatine Ganglion Blocks? The Sphenopalatine Ganglion Block (SPG Block) has been known for over 100 years but less than 1% of doctors are familiar with its use currently. How does a patient find a specialist or general...
Fibromyalgia Relief: Almost Instant Relief with SPG Block
Sphenopalatine Ganglion Blocks can give incredible relief to patients suffering from Fibromyalgia. This patient describes how 9 years of continuous pain was resolved almost immediately after nasal application of lidocaine to the sphenopalatine ganglion via nasal...
Find a Physiologic Dentist:
ICCMO, is the International College of CranioMandibular Orthopedics and was founded by Dr Barney Jankelson, the father of Physiologic Dentistry. All of the top physiologic dentists across the world are members of ICCMO. Search to find a top physiologic...
Headaches at back of head feel like blood vessels are swelling up.
This is a patient who contacted Dr Shapira from the I Hate website. Lisa: Tell us about your headaches...: So I had an mri done & found out that my jaw was partially dislocated. I have braced to correct it. My headaches start in the back...
Looking for a Physiologic Dentist in Ilinois for my Severe Pain
This is a reprinted letter and response from I Hate Rachel: I have been living with severe head and neck pain for years. I am often at my wits end and I heard about physiologic dentistry. I have read about it on I Hate Headaches and want to find a...
What to do with bite changes from SomnoDent Appliance from Somnomed?
Julie's Question: I have obstructive sleep apnea and I wear a Somnomed (SomnoDent) appliance at night. As a result, my bottom teeth and top teeth are meeting on top of each other and the bottom teeth are off to the side. I would to be able to straighten my bite and...
Physiologic Dentistry: Your Road to a Better Life
The attached article (or a version of it) has been given as a research article at the Research Meeting of the SOT Chiropractic Research meeting, Presented to the American Equilibration Society, published by ICCMO and the AES. It is widely considered one of the best...
Cost of TMJ Treatment;
The costs of treating a TMJ disorder can vary widely. Some patients need minimal treatment or a night-guard only and costs are nominal. The biggest cost can be non-treatment. Shimshak et al showed in his landmark papers that patients with TMJ diagnosis have a 300%...