ThinkBetterlife Blog
Effective TMJ and Sleep Disorder SolutionsIS TMJ CAUSING MY HEADACHE? Why Treating the TMJ Disorder Is Essential Regardless of the Headache Type or Specific Diagnosis
This is a frequent question I hear from patients who have chronic headaches. The answer is always a qualified yes. The TMJ (Jaw Joint) is the TemporoMandibular Joint, TMD stands for TemporoMandibular Disorder. TMD includes the TMJoint, the muscles, the teeth, the...
3 ways to find Chicago headache and migraine relief
3 ways to find Chicago headache and migraine relief Anyone who has ever suffered the occasional severe headache or chronic migraine knows what it means to want fast, effective relief, along with the prevention of painful recurrences. Obtaining temporary relief often...
Frequent Chicago headaches and migraines
A surprising cause of frequent Chicago headaches and migraines We feel migraines and headaches when nerves send signals to tell us we have head pain. Some headaches are caused by stress, but migraines involve complicated issues with nerves. It can be difficult to...
Finding The Right Physiologic Dentist: Why an ICCMO Member Should Be Your First Choice for a Physiologic Dentist
Improving the quality of your life whether you are suffering from TMJ Disorders, Chronic Migraines, Tension Headaches, Sinus Pain or Chronic Daily Headaches is the best reason to seek out a Physiologic Dentist. The question often arises where do I find the best...
"I want my life back!" There is Spectrum of TMJ Disorders from mild to life destroying symptoms. Severe symptoms should be treated more aggressively before an acute problem becomes a chronic pain condition. DOCTORS DO NOT HEAL PATIENTS, RATHER THEY REMOVE THE...
New Article Shows Effectiveness of Manipulative Therapy in Treating Migraine
This new article clearly shows Manipulative Therapy works to prevent Migraine. There was a significant decline in migraines with manipulative therapy. I have found that NUCCA and A/O Atlas Orthoganol Chiropractic to be the most effective manipulative therapy in my...
What is Physiologic Dentistry? How to Find A Physiologic Dentist
This blog is reprinted form I Hate Headaches. It is important to stress the basics of Physiologic Dentistry. I am also finding that I get patients from around the country to this website. While I make special accomodations for long distance patients in search of quick...
CRPS or Complex Regional Pain Syndrome: Dentist Helps Relieve Symptoms
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome is known by many names includingCausalgia, Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy, Sudeck Atrophy, Shoulder-Hand Syndrome, Algodystrophy, Periferal Trophoneurosis, Sympathetically Maintained Pain and Posttraumatic Pain Syndrome. While CRPS is...
Greater Occipital Nerve Blocks Treatment of Chronic Migraine
The utilization of nerve blocks for chronic migraine is well reported. The use of autonomic blocks such as the SPG Block or Sphenopalatine Ganglion Block to treat and prevent chronic daily headache, migraines and other aotunomic cephalgias has been universally...
Ways to Relieve Muscle Pain in Chicago
4 ways a Chicago dentist could help to relieve your muscle pain Your dentist may not be the first person you think of calling when you are experiencing muscle pain, but if you aren’t getting relief from anything that’s been prescribed by your doctor or chiropractor, a...