by Dr. Shapira | Nov 28, 2015 | Blog, Causes of TMJ, Clicking & Popping, TMJ, TMJ Chicago |
The idea of curing TMJ needs to be looked at in several ways. Doctors do not actual heal anyone but what they can do is remove the impediments to healing. The body has a natural capacity to heal, the best medicine allows it to heal. TMJ disorders are a type of...
by Dr. Shapira | Apr 11, 2014 | TMJ is a painful condition
TMJ Surgery Think twice about non-emergency TMJ surgery TMJ is a painful condition, and there are a variety of treatment options. While surgery is one of them, going under the knife comes with risks. That’s why dentists typically only suggest TMJ surgery as a...
by Dr. Shapira | Apr 11, 2014 | Diagnosis of TMJ
How TMJ Is Diagnosed By A Dentist Get to the root of your discomfort right here in the Chicago Area TMJ is a type of complex disorder that frequently goes undiagnosed or worse misdiagnosed. Patients feel that they can handle the popping they hear in their jaws when...