ThinkBetterlife Blog

Effective TMJ and Sleep Disorder Solutions

TMJ: TemporoMandibular Disorders Lake Forest

Diagnosis and Treatment of TMJ disorders requires a wide variety of skills that most general dentists don't acquire. The treatment of TMJ disorders is far more advanced than just the mechanical approach of mouth guard and bite adjustments. In fact, many patients get...

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TMJ Disaster With Treatment: Massive Open Bite Corrected after 12 Years

Ellen came into my office with a 12 years history of severe pain all over her body, in her face, neck, jaws, hips, knees and feet. She also had an enormous open bite and only two teeth in her entire mouth met. Her story began with ear and joint pain and she saw an ENT...

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Chicago TMJ Relief: Avoiding TM Joint Surgery

Why do so many patients end up needing TM Joint surgeries and have stories of chronic ongoing pain for years.? What are the connections of head and neck posture to TMJ disorders? The problem is that many doctors do not address all of the issues invlved in TMJ...

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Do You Hate CPAP? Check Out the Alternative!

Do You Hate CPAP? Check Out the Alternative!

Were you diagnosed with sleep apnea? Does your heavy snoring prevent you and your loved one from enjoying a restful sleep? Were you recommended CPAP, but you have a hard time getting used with the noise and discomfort it involves? Then it is time you saw a snoring...

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Precision Personalized Medical Treatment for TMJ, TMD, MPD, Headaches and Migraines

Precision Personalized Medical Treatment for Headaches and Migraines Physiologic Medicine Pinnacle of Personalized Medicine. Measurement is essential for precision treatment! "If it is measured it is a fact otherwise it is an opinion" Barney Jankelson founder of...

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Must Know Facts about Sleep Apnea and Snoring

Must Know Facts about Sleep Apnea and Snoring

Do you wake up feeling still tired, even after a full night’s sleep? Is your loved one complaining that you snore or gasp for air? Do you have morning headaches or trouble staying awake throughout the day? You could be suffering from snoring and sleep apnea, Chicago...

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Time to ThinkBetterLife! Say goodbye to migraines, jaw pain, neck pain, snoring, and sleep apnea in Chicago.
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