by Dr. Shapira | May 8, 2015 | Breathing problems can cause TMJ, Breathing Sleeping Problems, Sleep, Unsorted
Bedwetting can be devastating to the social core of families. While it is an inconvenience in younger children it can drastically disrupt family life as children age. Bedwetting can also be a warning sign for Sleep Disordered Breathing in children. Sleep disordered...
by Dr. Shapira | May 8, 2015 | Blog
Having trouble concentrating, Chicago? Poor sleep could be the cause Millions of people are not getting enough sleep. Our busy lifestyles sometimes make the recommended average of 8 hours a night impossible. But there is more to good sleep than simply the number of...
by Dr. Shapira | May 4, 2015 | Unsorted
The American Academy of CranioFacial Pain was originally the American Academy of Head, Neck and Facial Pain and is one of the leading TMJ Dysfunction groups in the world. They are an open group and not focussed on on one treatment philosophy but rather teach and...
by Dr. Shapira | Apr 29, 2015 | Unsorted
The Best treatment for a TMJ disorder is very dependent on the exact symptoms and causes of the TMJ disorder in a particular patient. Determining the best treatment for an individual patient is usually done during a face to face visit but I can give several guidelines...
by Dr. Shapira | Apr 26, 2015 | Unsorted |
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome most frequently occurs following and injury but can also occur from long standing pain problems leading to central sensitization. CRPS is one of the most difficult disorders to treat. Prior to discussing Sphenopalatine Ganglion Blocks...