What All Headaches Have In Common: Migraines, Cluster Headaches, Chronic Daily Headaches, New Persistent Headaches Cluster Headaches

QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS ABOUT HEADACHES: Question from Kasey in Pennsylvania: I always seem to have a headache that never 100% goes away, and it usually varies day to day. It can get worse by mid to the end of the day. I don’t have bad jaw pain but could that be a...

Barrington: Innovative Treatment Protocols for Fast Relief of TMJ (TMD) Disorders

Patients from across Chicagoland and the Midwest are finding answers for TMJ disorders in Highland Park, Illinois. The following is a reprint of a 24/7 Press Release: Innovative Treatment Protocols for Fast Relief of TMJ (TMD) Disorders: You Deserve a Better Quality...
A very surprising cause of TMJ

A very surprising cause of TMJ

A very surprising cause of TMJ – birth Many newborn babies have elongated skulls. This happens because of the pressure on the baby’s skull while being pushed through the birth canal. While the majority of babies wind up with normal, round heads, sometimes the pressure...

Self Administration of SPG Blocks by Patients.

The SPG Block or Sphenopalatine Ganglion Block can be extremely effective at preventing and eliminating migraines. The Sphenopalatine Ganglion is part of the Autonomic Nervous System. It is the Largest Parasympathetic Ganglion and treatment with lidocaine has been...

Sphenopalatine Ganglion and Trigeminal Neuropathy: SPG BLocks For Severe Migraines and other Chronic Pain.

The Zygomatic approach is what I use for SPG blocks during and acute pain attack when I cannot get relief with intranasal approach. It is extremely effective in terminating Cluster and Migraines of Trigeminal Nerve origin. This new study (see PubMed Abstract below)...