This is a new study discussing postural Stability and Myogenous TMD Patients.  The conclusions shows that patients with myogenous TMD have less postural stbility.  This has long been known to many coaches where oral appliances improve performancwe in most sports including golf, football, baseball, martial arts etc.


This study demonstrates a significant difference in body postural stability between subjects with myogenous TMD and healthy controls. In particular, sway area and sway velocity postural parameters are increased in these subjects.

 2017 Aug 30;37:21-24. doi: 10.1016/j.jelekin.2017.08.006. [Epub ahead of print]

Postural stability in subjects with temporomandibular disorders and healthy controls: A comparative assessment.



The influence of the stomatognathic apparatus on body posture is a continuously discussed topic with contrasting results. The aim of this study is to analyze differences in postural stability between subjects with and without myogenous TMD.


25 subjects affected by myogenous TMD according with DC/TMD (6 males, 19 females; mean age 31.75±6.68years) and a healthy control group of 19 subjects (4 Males, 15 Females; mean age 27.26±3.85years) were enrolled in the study. Both groups underwent a posturo-stabilometric force platform exam under different mandibular and visual conditions. Sway area and sway velocity of the COP (Center Of foot Pressure) posturo-stabilometric parameters were evaluated and compared applying Mann-U-Whitney statistical test.


The sway area and sway velocity parameters resulted statistically significantly higher in the TMD group (sway area p<0.01; sway velocity p<0.05) in mandibular maximum intercuspation and rest positions with eyes open.


This study demonstrates a significant difference in body postural stability between subjects with myogenous TMD and healthy controls. In particular, sway area and sway velocity postural parameters are increased in these subjects.


Mandible; Masticatory muscles; Postural balance; Posture; Temporomandibular joint disorders