by Dr. Shapira | Sep 14, 2017 | Blog, Chicago, Chronic Daily Headache, Clicking & Popping, Cluster Headache, GURNEE OROFACIAL PAIN, Headaches and Migraines, SPG Block Anxiety, SPG Block Cluster Headache, SPG Block Migraine, SPG blocks, Sphenopalatine Ganglion Blocks, TMJ affects your posture, TMJ ARTHRITIS, TMJ Causes Stress, TMJ Chicago, TMJ Dentist, TMJ Migraines, TMJ Neck & Back Pain, TMJ Numbness in Arms & Fingers
Living day to day with severe or chronic pain can be agonizing to your spirit, your family and your life. There is hope for patients with chronic head, neck, face and back pain. Millions are disabled with chronic pain. It i estimated that 100 million Americans have...
by Dr. Shapira | Aug 29, 2017 | Blog
Contrary to many current algorithms for deciding which treatment to utilize for Migraine, Autonomic Cephalgias and Chronic Headache Sphenopalatine Ganglion Blocks should be considered a first line approach to treatment due to their high efficacy and the minimal...
by Dr. Shapira | Mar 22, 2017
ADDITIONAL VIDEOS: DNA Appliance Physiologic Dentistry TMJ Testimonials: Stories of Hope Chicago sleep apnea testimonials Chicago TMJ Testimonials TMJ Testimonials Oral Appliance Testimonials Additional...
by Dr. Shapira | Feb 17, 2016 | TMJ Chicago
When patients have chronic headache or facial pain that doesn’t fit any other category it is often diagnosed as Atypical Facial Pain. Other terms used for this include Atypical facial neuralgia, Trigeminal Neuralgia or tic douloureux, atypical trigeminal...
by Dr. Shapira | Jun 11, 2014
Patient Testimonials Hear it from our patients: TMJ, Orofacial Pain & Sleep Disorder Video Testimonials View 200+ YouTube testimonial videos on my channel Neuromuscular Dentistry TMJ Testimonials on...