by Dr. Shapira | Sep 14, 2017 | Blog, Chicago, Chronic Daily Headache, Clicking & Popping, Cluster Headache, GURNEE OROFACIAL PAIN, Headaches and Migraines, SPG Block Anxiety, SPG Block Cluster Headache, SPG Block Migraine, SPG blocks, Sphenopalatine Ganglion Blocks, TMJ affects your posture, TMJ ARTHRITIS, TMJ Causes Stress, TMJ Chicago, TMJ Dentist, TMJ Migraines, TMJ Neck & Back Pain, TMJ Numbness in Arms & Fingers
Living day to day with severe or chronic pain can be agonizing to your spirit, your family and your life. There is hope for patients with chronic head, neck, face and back pain. Millions are disabled with chronic pain. It i estimated that 100 million Americans have...