by Dr. Shapira | Mar 22, 2017
ADDITIONAL VIDEOS: DNA Appliance Physiologic Dentistry TMJ Testimonials: Stories of Hope Chicago sleep apnea testimonials Chicago TMJ Testimonials TMJ Testimonials Oral Appliance Testimonials Additional...
by Dr. Shapira | Jun 11, 2014
Patient Testimonials Hear it from our patients: TMJ, Orofacial Pain & Sleep Disorder Video Testimonials View 200+ YouTube testimonial videos on my channel Neuromuscular Dentistry TMJ Testimonials on...
by Dr. Shapira | Apr 11, 2014 | Blog
Each individual patient has unique issues with their physiology. The good news if that effective physiologic treatment can improve or eliminate these problems for many patients. Learn how a physiologic diagnostic orthotic can determine whether you will eliminate you...