Treating Your Sleep Apnea may be the single most important health decision in your life! This is especially true for patients with cardiovascular issues and memory or cognition issues.

CPAP while effective is not tolerated by the majority of patients. Listen to a few of the thousands of patients Dr Shapira has treated with oral appliances since 1982.

Dr Shapira was possibly the first dentist to become an Assistant Professor at a mediccal and to become involved in research into sleep apnea and jaw position. He started as a Visiting Assistant Professor ar the Sleep Disorder Center at Rush Medical School in Chicago.

The following video is of a patient who was “living in a fog” until his apnea was treated.

Oral Appliance Therapy (OAT) for treatment of Sleep Apnea is currently being marketed everywhere. Often by dentists with little understanding of the field of Sleep Medicine or even a very good understanding Sleep Apnea.

Untreated Sleep Apnea can create numerous health and wellness issues and can severely decrease quality of life. The following video is of a patient who experienced Dreaming for the first time since childhood after starting sleep apnea treatment with an oral appliance. Dreaming is considered essential for optimal psychological health and disruptions can increase depression, anxiety and other mood disorders. This patient no longer has daytime sleepiness and is more active during the day and as a special bonus his wife is happier. According to Mayo Clinic the spouses of snorers lose 15% of their sleep.

Patients with untreated sleep apnea have slower reaction times than patients who are legally drunk and cannot work in certain professions. The next video is Ed, a pilot who has been wearing an oral appliance daily for 9 years. He calls his appliance is the best thing that ever happened to him. He felt like he was 15 again energized and ready to start his day. He could not utilize CPAP at all in spite of diligent efforts.

Jeff has been wearing an appliance for 9 years because hi snoring was so bad his wife refused to sleep with him. He loves the appliance and his wife could not be happier.

This patient, Linda could not tolerate CPAP and saw Dr Shapira for an oral appliance. she could not tolerate the first appliance so he switched her to a different appliance that is working great.

Mike not only had his sleep issues taken care of but his headaches have disappeared. He used to sleep 4 hours/ night now sleeps 8 hours night of sound sleep. “It has made a world of difference. Snoring is gone!, Triednes is gone, morning headaches are completely gone. “Couldn’t be happier!

Carlis wearing an appliance four four years. Appliance much more comfortable than CPAP. Quality of sleep and quality of life is vastly improved. Does need to sleep as much or to drink so much coffee.