Knots or tension in back, neck, or shoulder muscles? Here’s what to do, Chicago

Tension in back, neck or shoulders, chicago TMJ dentistThere are multiple causes for tension that’s felt throughout the body. Many times bundled muscles are knotted so tightly they can create tension in the back, neck or shoulders, or cause migraines or tension headaches. Sometimes the tightness can even extend to the chest.

Most people associate muscle tension with stress, but there may be underlying health problems creating the discomfort. Rest and relaxation are not always the best medicine. Treating the cause instead of the symptom may ultimately require a visit to a TMJ dentistry specialist for a diagnosis and to determine the best treatment.

1. Trigger point injection

Pain in the neck, back or shoulders often stems from the temporo-mandibular joint. Located just below the ear, this is a very complex region of the body, and TMJ disorders can impact other body regions and cause symptoms such as back or neck pain. This referred pain usually begins in the myofascial tissue structure that surrounds your muscles.

Tension in the back, neck or shoulders is often myofascisl pain. The myofascial skeletal structure can develop taut bands of bundled muscles over the years, which then manifests in other areas of the body as referred pain. Trigger point injection treatments involve identifying the location of the tightened muscles and inserting a needle into the actual muscle band, which then relieves the tension that is creating the pain. Sometimes a trigger point injection involves dispensing a corticosteroid into the band for extended relief.

2. Dry needling

Some people are allergic to the cortisone solutions used in relieving tension in the problematic taut bands. Severe tension in the back, neck or shoulders may be the result of multiple taut bands, each of which will need an injection to assist in effective relief of tension or pain. For those who are allergic to cortisone solutions, dry needling can also be used.

Dry needling is essentially a form of acupuncture, and often requires the diagnostic expertise of a Chacago TMJ dentist who can locate the taut bands that are creating the problems. After finding the problematic trigger points, the doctor can then determine the most effective treatment method.

3. SPG block

For fast pain relief from tension problems, including headaches and migraines that could also be a result of the knotted trigger points, a sphenopalatine ganglion nerve block can also be administered as a temporary measure. The process involves using a specially designed applicator that is inserted in the nasal passages and applies a numbing agent to the SPG nerve block sitting where the air passageways and sinuses meet. Not only will this relieve the migraine pain, but the tension in the back, neck or shoulders will also be lessened.

Learn more

If you are suffering from muscle pain or tension in Chicago and are interested in learning more about these pain relief treatment, please schedule a consultation.