The American Academy of CranioFacial Pain was originally the American Academy of Head, Neck and Facial Pain and is one of the leading TMJ Dysfunction groups in the world. They are an open group and not focussed on on one treatment philosophy but rather teach and promote a full range of therapeutic options of TMJ Disorders.
I am a 25 year Fellowship eligible member of this group and have been honored by the board for my contributions to the field of TemporoMandibular Dysfunction.
They have a website that has information on TMJ Disorders and a member directory.
ICCMO is a Physiologic Dental Group that focuses specifically on doctors utilizing Physiologic Dentistry concepts. The AACFP does have a Physiologic Section.
The American Equilibration Society is the oldest of all the TMJ Treatment organizations. It used to be a ver open group but is now primarily focused on the Centric Relation approach to TMJ disorders. They have an excellent lecture program that occasionally welcomes speakers about Physiologic Dentistry. Past presidents of thew AES were Physiologic Dentists and Dr Barney Jankelson the founder of Physiologic Dentistry originally presented his concepts at an AES meeting. I was asked by the AES to write a paper on Physiologic Dental Concepts for publication that was republished in the ICCMO Anthology and in Sleep and Health Journal. I have also participated in panel discussions on treatment utilizing multiple and / or different styles of treatment.
The American Academy of Pain Management is a medical organization open to all specialties including dentistry and focuses on a wide variety of treatment protocols. I am a Diplomate of this organization.
The American Academy of Pain Management is the leading medical group in this field.