Chronic Sinus Headache and other Sinus Pains are closely related to TMJ Disorders. The connections between these problems is multifacted.
The Trigeminal Nerve also called the Dentist’s Nerve is the underlying common source of all of these problems.
Dentists are the experts on the Trigeminal Nerrve Disorders and in particular neuromuscular dentists who optimize eliminating noxious input to the trigeminal system. The term “TMJ: The Great Imposter” was coinded because patients with TMJ disorders frequently report symptoms not specifically related to the joints.
Dentists who practice TMD and Neuromuscular Dentistry are well versed in Myofascial Pain and Dysfunction or MPD as it relates to upper body, head neck and facial pain referred from active myofascial trigger points.
The Sphenopalatine Ganglion (SPG), the largest parasympathetic ganglion in the head is on the maxillary division of the trigeminal nerve. I have taught hundreds of neuromuscular dentists both from the USA and from across the world how to utilize SPG Blocks as part of Neuromuscular Treatment.
The Sphenopalatine Ganglion also contains Sympathetic fibers of superior cervical change responsible for “Fight or Flight” reflex and when not controlled create a wide variety of stress, pain and emotional issues.
The Myomonitor utilized by Neuromuscular Dentistry effectively neuromodulates the sympathetic and parasympathetic autonnomic input from the Trigeminal Nervous System.
The majority of sinus pain and sinus headache are NOT primary issues or infections within the sinuses. Antibiotics may actually create new sinus issues related to fungal infections.
Sinus pain and Headaches can be relieved with SPG Blocks very quickly.
Long term sinus improvements are related to function and structure. The following is a video of a patient who has experienced a cure of her lifetime sinus issues with DNA Appliance. Neuromuscular Dentistry treated her TMJ disorders and the DNA is used for long term stabilization and to increase the size of her airway.
There are over 150 additional videos on treatment of TMJ Disorders, Headaches, Migraines, MPD, Fibromyalgia, Sinus pain, Sleep Apnea and snoring mat this link: