Sleep Disorders & Loss Of Sex Drive

Trouble getting in the mood?

sleep-disorders-and-loss-of-sex-driveIf you have a sleep problem you may be experiencing a loss of sex drive too. Interest in any type of physical activity can be an issue if you have a sleep disorder. It takes quite a lot of energy to motivate your sex drive!

If you do experience a loss of libido because you just don’t get enough sleep, you certainly aren’t alone. For men with sleep apnea, studies suggest that 50% of sufferers also secrete lower-than-normal levels of testosterone throughout the night.

Do I have a Sleep Disorder?


Sleep disorders and loss of sex life

If you are suffering from a sleep disorder like sleep apnea, when your breathing gets obstructed, you may also be secreting less sex hormone.  If this happens you will naturally have a low libido and in the long term your relationship with your partner may suffer. Not getting enough sleep due to sleep apnea not only affects your relationship but can also accelerate the onset of heart disease and other serious ailments.

Snoring often accompanies sleep apnea, so the sleep patterns of your partner may be affected too. Neither lack of sleep nor snoring loudly is good for your relationship.

Boost your love life with better sleep

There are dental treatments available that can restore your love life by helping you get better sleep. The Continuous Positive Airway Pressure appliance (CPAP) is one treatment options for patients suffering from sleep apnea, and is often recommended by doctors. It functions by sending small amounts of air into the nasal passages, which prevents the collapse of the throat while the patient sleeps so that normal undisturbed breathing can take place. However, this treatment is often found to be uncomfortable and noisy by patients.

The Thornton Adjustable Positioner (TAP) is a custom made appliance which has similarities to a mouth guard and it influences the lower jaw by holding it forward so preventing the airway from collapsing while ensuring continuous breathing. It has been found to a be a good alternative option to CPAP.

The Somnomed Appliance is another excellent choice for comfortably treating snoring and Sleep Apnea.  By using one or another of these devices you have a good chance of reclaiming your sleep and improving your love life.

See our patient testimonials

Nothing kills the mood like falling asleep when your partner is feeling amorous

Treating your sleep apnea and snoring gives you more stamina and alertness.  Don’t fall asleep on your partner when they want to make love.  The anger that creates affects not just your nights but your future together.  When you’re sleeping well your body produces higher levels of sex hormones and you feel better in a multitude of ways.  Experience the life changing effects of restorative sleep.  Get you apnea treated and get your life back the way it should be.

Get your mojo back

Whatever the reason for your sleep disorder it is essential to get a proper diagnosis. If you are suffering from sleep apnea, you can receive dental treatment for it, which may involve wearing a device that helps you to breathe better.

When you are able to sleep more easily you will regain some of your lost energy and will be in the mood to reinvigorate your relationship.

Ready to sleep your way to a better life?

Time to ThinkBetterLife!