What is ICCMO?
The International College of Cranio-Mandibular OrthopedicsThe International College of Cranio-Mandibular Orthopedics (ICCMO) is a society of health care professionals who have a common interest in the anatomy and physiology of occlusion, jaw function and orthopedics dysfunction with resultant symptoms in the head and neck.
The primary objectives of the College are:
1. To understand the physiology of jaw function
2. To alleviate the widespread human suffering of those persons afflicted with head and neck pain and dysfunction
Dr. Shapira and the ICCMO
Dr. Shapira is a long time member of the ICCMO. He was first sponsored by Dr Barney Jankelson, the founder of Physiologic Dentistry. As young upstart in a course at Myotronics, he impressed Dr. Jankelson by asking the right questions. Dr. J took him aside and the two spent two days together where Dr Jankelson enmeshed him in Physiologic Dentistry and the ICCMO. He became the ICCOM’s Illinois and International Regent.
Currently the Secretary and Chairman Elect, he has been the ICCMO representative to the TMD Alliance for many years. Dr Shapira is Mastership eligible and created a Masters thesis that, unfortunately, had to be put on hold due to his wife’s illness. Despite this, he attends almost every American Section ICCMO meeting and has also attended several international meetings.
He’s also lectured at numerous meetings, including providing a comprehensive introduction into the subject of sleep apnea in Boca Raton in the 1990s – long before it became common knowledge of most physicians or dentists. He most recently gave a lecture at the Argentina ICCMO meeting in March 2014 on the Developmental aspects of TMJ disorders and Sleep Apnea, covering the role of Physiologic Dentistry in diagnosing and treating these combined disorders.
He is currently involved in rewriting the Mastership exam and reviewing applications of Masters and Fellows to the Academy.